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Renters and Housing Protection Update

Posted on 02/03/2023
Los Angeles City Seal

New Tenant Protections

 Los Angeles County Eviction Protections  

  • Los Angeles County renters, inclusive of the City of Los Angeles, are protected against eviction for reasons related to COVID-19 through March 31, 2023. For more information about eligibility, please visit Los Angeles County’s website.

City of Los Angeles Post-COVID Protections 

  • Tenants who accrued rental debt related to COVID-19 have until the following dates to pay back their landlords: 
    • Rental debt accrued between March 1, 2020, and September 30, 2021, must be repaid by August 1, 2023.
    • Rental debt accrued between October 1, 2021 and January 31, 2023, must be paid by February 1, 2024.
  • Tenants who admitted unauthorized pets or occupants during the pandemic may not be evicted until February 1, 2024, giving time for these tenants to negotiate agreements with their landlords. 

 Expansion of Just Cause Eviction Protections  

  • Landlords may only terminate a tenancy with a reason or “just cause.” These reasons include:
    • Violation of rental agreement
    • Non-payment of rent
    • Recover possession of rental unit for family - landlord, spouse, domestic partner, grandchildren, children, parents or grandparents - or demolition
  • Expands the City’s existing just cause eviction protections to single family homes, condominiums, as well as apartment buildings built since 2008.
  • Just cause evictions will go into effect following expiration of lease or six months, whichever is less.
  • If a tenant is evicted with just cause, the landlord must pay relocation assistance to the tenant under certain conditions.

Rental Debt Threshold Ordinance 

  • Prohibit evictions for nonpayment of rent unless a tenant owes an amount that exceeds one month of fair market rent for the unit that the tenant occupies. 

Relocation Assistance for Economic Displacement  

  • Requires a landlord to pay relocation assistance if they raise rent by the Consumer Price Index, plus  5% or 10%, whichever is less, AND the  tenant chooses to relinquish the unit.
  • Applies to units which don’t fall under the City’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance or AB1482, a state law which capped rental increases in rental properties built after October 1978. In other words, apartment buildings constructed since 2008 and single family homes. 
  • Relocation assistance would be equal to three times fair market rent for the occupied unit, plus $1411 in moving costs. 
  • If a tenant owes back rent, this would count toward relocation assistance. 
  • Owners of single family homes are exempt IF AND ONLY IF they own a single family home and no more than four units. 

 Other Policies

  • $10 million assistance fund for struggling mom-and-pop landlords who incurred COVID-19 rental debt currently being considered by the City Council. 

 Mom and Pop Housing Provider Assistance

Click here to learn more about mom and pop housing provider assistance.