Managing Swimming Pools in Fire Impacted Areas
Managing Swimming Pools in Fire Impacted Areas
ROE Form Instructions
ROE Form Instructions
Councilmember Park meeting with the Army Corp of Engineers
Councilmember Park meeting with the Army Corp of EngineersLatest News
CD 11 Updates

Posted on 02/17/2025
Managing Swimming Pools in Fire Impacted Areas
Posted on 01/29/2025
ROE Form Instructions
Posted on 01/26/2025
Councilmember Park meeting with the Army Corp of Engineers
Review the links below information on accessing Palisades Recovers support and wildfire relief resources.
- Tax Filing Deadline Extensions
IRS Federal Tax filing deadline is extended to October 15, 2025 for individuals and businesses within covered disaster area. Call 866-562-5227 hotline for more information regarding federal taxes.
- California State Taxes filing deadline is extended to October 15, 2025 for all Los Angeles County residents.
- City of LA Office of Finance announced all business locations within zip codes 90402, 90272 and 90049 will be automatically granted an extension of the business tax renewal deadline to April 14, 2025.
- In addition, any taxpayer with a business located outside of these zip codes, but whose business was interrupted as a direct result of the fires, may be granted an extension as well, provided that a written request, including reasonable proof of the interruption, is sent to the Office of Finance before the February 28, 2025 renewal deadline.
- Reconnecting with family and loved ones – Call (800) 675-5799 or visit: Finding Friends & Family
- Assistance for Individuals and Families
- Areas and status of evacuation orders can be seen on this map. Unified Incident Command is allowing limited re-entry to certain areas under evacuation order for residents only. See details on neighborhoods allowing re-entry.
- FEMA Assistance is available. Three ways to register for FEMA Assistance and video tutorial:
- Online at DisasterAssistance.gov. Applying online is the easiest, fastest, and most convenient way to apply. The deadline to apply and be eligible for FEMA assistance is March 10, 2025.
- On the FEMA App for mobile devices
- Call the FEMA helpline at (800) 621-3362: 4 a.m. to 10 p.m. (PST). Help is available in most languages.
- FEMA can provide the following types of financial assistance
- Special Needs Assistance Grants – $770 one-time payment to afford immediate needs like food, water, hygiene, and transportation.
- FEMA Individual Assistance For Housing – Homeowners can receive FEMA Individual Assistance grants for home repair,replacement, and for temporary housing up to $43,600.
- FEMA Individual Assistance For Other Needs – Another $43,600 is available in the form of a grant from FEMA to cover medical expenses, damage to a vehicle, household items/property, funeral expenses, moving/storage, and childcare expenses, etc.
- City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) Palisades has opened two Support Camps for School-Age Children and Teens to to assist families impacted by the Palisades fire.
- These are free day camps for children ages 5-12 and teens ages 13-17 whose families have been affected by the Palisades fire located at Oakwood Recreation Center in Venice and Mar Vista Recreation Center will operate camps Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM, until Friday, January 31. They include age-appropriate programs for children ages 5-12 and teens ages 13-17 such as arts and crafts, sports, and games. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided to ensure they have the nutrition they need during these full days.
- Post Office Closure –The Pacific Palisades Post office is closed until further notice due to the Palisades Fire. Information about parcel pick up and retail services is available here.
- If you lost your job due to the fires, apply for benefits through the State of California.
- Access shelter and housing services
- The Federal Small Business Administration – Information
- The Federal Small Business Administration can provide resources and assistance for businesses of all sizes, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters impacted by the fires.
- Disaster Recovery Brochure & Directory" (CalOES)
- Price Gouging Information
- Report Price Gouging by calling 3-1-1
- Price gouging is illegal during an emergency. This means that businesses cannot increase the price of food, repairs, construction, housing, emergency and medical supplies, and gasoline more than 10% for 30 days after the emergency declaration issued on January 7. This also includes rent increases, as well as hikes in hotel and motel prices for evacuees who are seeking emergency housing.
- You can also file a report directly with the Los Angeles City Attorney at att.pricegougingtaskforce@lacity.org
- Learn more about price gouging.
- Avoid After-Disaster Scams
- Report Price Gouging by calling 3-1-1
- Assistance for Property Owners
- Insurance claims can be found at California Department of Insurance Resources to Help Recent Wildfire Victims. Here are the Top Ten Tips for Wildfire Claimants.
- Private Property Debris Removal Information - Forms for Impacted Residents
- Find out if your home has been damaged with Damage Inspection Dashboard.
- Tax relief could be available if your property is damaged or destroyed by a fire. File an Application for Reassessment: Property Damaged or Destroyed by Misfortune or Calamity with the Assessor’s Office within 12 months.
- FEMA Individual Assistance For Housing – Homeowners can receive grants for home repair and replacement, and for temporary housing up to $43,600. Apply DisasterAssistance.gov.
- The Federal Small Business Administration can provide resources and assistance for businesses of all sizes, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters impacted by the fires.
- Returning home after a fire – Safety Tips
- Private property owners near the Palisades Fire can call LA County Public Works to schedule individual engineering support to assess a property. Call 800-675-4357 for 24/7 Dispatch assistance and referral.
- Precautions for assessing your property after a fire:
More information and resources is available at LA Housing Department
- Assistance for Businesses and Workers
The Los Angeles Economic and Workforce Development Department has assembled resources for business and workers impacted by the fire.
- For Workers
- WorkSource Centers provide free employment services for dislocated workers
- If you have lost a job, apply for unemployment benefits here.
- Additional job loss and layoff assistance for workers.
- For Businesses
- BusinessSource Centers provide free business consultation services as well as loan and grant assistance
- Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation provides resources to assist businesses survive and recover after natural disasters
- Strategies to avert layoffs for businesses can be found here.
- State of California Resources for Businesses impacted by fire including grant and loan information
- The Federal Small Business Administration can provide resources and assistance for businesses of all sizes, nonprofits, homeowners, and renters impacted by the fires.
- For Workers
- Mental Health Resources
If you or a loved one are experiencing distress after the wildfires, you are not alone. Do not hesitate to ask for help.
- 24/7 Help Line – (800) 854-7771
- Disaster Distress Helpline - 1-800-985-5990 – National hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
- 988 Suicide Crisis Lifeline provides support by call, chat, and text - Dial 988
- Pet & Animal Resources
Help With Locating Pets In Evacuation Areas:
- Call (213) 270-8155 or fill out this form: English, Español
- You will be prompted through a series of questions about your pet, its possible location, and needs. Please listen carefully and give all the information needed. LA Animal Services and LAPD officers stationed at the Command Post will be dispatched to the evacuation area to search for your pet or provide needed care. You will be notified once a rescue officer has visited the property.
- Reuniting With Lost Pets - If you found a pet or if you lost a pet, please enter the information and a photo into the PetCo Love Lost System.

Find information below on hazardous material removal and environmental quality updates related to wildfire recovery.
- Precautions for Local Residents (AQMD)
Exposure to smoke and ash from the wildfires remains a potential health concern. Ash is typically visible to the naked eye either in the air or on outdoor surfaces.
The public should take precautions when any one of the following occurs:
- Air Quality Index (AQI) Levels are elevated
- You smell Smoke
- You see Ash
Precautions include:
- Limiting your exposure by remaining indoors with windows and doors closed or seeking alternate shelter.
- If you have to be outside, wearing an N-95 mask can provide some protection.
- Avoiding vigorous physical activity.
- Running your HVAC system and/or an air purifier.
- If possible, do not use swamp coolers or whole house fans that bring in outside air.
Avoid attempting to clean up fire debris – i.e., damaged structures, furniture, personal belongings, vehicles, vegetation, or other items that have been burned by the wildfires. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LADPH) and the Pasadena Public Health Department, issued orders prohibiting the unsafe removal, transport, and disposal of fire debris. These order aims to safeguard public health and safety by prohibiting residents from removing debris without adequate oversight.
For More Wildfire Smoke, Ash and Safety Tips, visit: https://www.aqmd.gov/wildfiretips
- Air Quality Monitoring (AQMD)
South Coast AQMD is working very closely with the Unified Command comprising the federal, state and local agencies that are working together on wildfire cleanup and recovery.
South Coast AQMD provides information about regional air quality through an existing air monitoring network that includes regulatory monitors, portable instruments and private sensors. This includes regional pollutants such as ozone, particulates (found in wildfire smoke and dust), sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.
Real time air quality information can be found on South Coast AQMD’s AQI Map at: https://www.aqmd.gov/aqimap
Sign up for air quality advisories at: https://www.airalerts.orgDownload our free mobile app (available in English and Spanish) at: https://www.aqmd.gov/mobileapp
- Health and Safety Resources
- Fire Health & Safety Information
- Returning home after a fire – Safety Tips
- Precautions for assessing your property after a fire:
- N95 Masks Available – The South Coast AQMD has extended a windblown dust advisory throughout the Los Angeles area. The City of Los Angeles has distributed N95 masks throughout Los Angeles Public Libraries, Los Angeles Recreation Centers, Los Angeles Senior Centers and local nonprofits. Visit lapl.org/branches to find your nearest library or laparks.org/reccenter to find your nearest Recreation Center/Senior Center.
- Water safety advisories and air quality information from LA County Department of Public Health includes tips on food safety, how to safely assess your property after a fire and returning home after a fire.
- Air Quality Information and Alerts – South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD)
- Fire Health & Safety Information
Frequently Asked Questions
Evacuation & Re-Entry Information
Emergency Contacts & Resources
Q: What number should I call for debris removal?
A: Call 844-347-3332 for debris removal assistance.
Q: Who do I contact for mudflow concerns?
A: Contact the County’s Mud Flow Hotline at 800-933-0930.
Q: Where can I ask insurance-related questions?
A: Contact the Department of Insurance at 1-800-927-4357.
Q: How can I check the condition of my home after the fire?
A: Visit https://recovery.lacounty.gov/palisades-fire/ for updates on affected areas.